This wouldn't be possible without our donors!

Audie Rainey

Julie and Clint Rubey

Calvin and Peggy Brown

Brian Bills

Cynthia Bangston

Chris Johnson

Connie Johnson

Anne A. Johnson

Red Oak Community Heart & Soul

Community Heart & Soul is a resident driven process that engages the entire population of a town in identifying what they love most about their community, what future they want for it and how to achieve it.

Community Connect Expo

Community Connect Expo


You are invited to a FREE EVENT featuring local non-profit, civic, and charitable organizations.

Our objective is to showcase the many organizations, who will explain what they do, what their main focus is, and how people can join or volunteer.

Baked goods and refreshments provided by the Red Oak Jr./Sr. High School Culinary Arts students. Free will donation.

1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
White Fair Building

Community Quotes

Share your ideas with us. We want the whole community to hear them!

Let’s start the conversation on what we can do to make Red Oak home for the next generation; the place to stay for those who live here now; and the place where people want to come and start a new journey.

Volunteer Flyer

Volunteer Interest Form

Share your talents and time with Red Oak by serving on our Heart & Soul Team or volunteering to help with our Heart & Soul effort!

Community Heart & Soul

Community Heart & Soul

Developed and field-tested over a decade in partnership with over 100 small cities and towns across America, Community Heart & Soul is a proven process for engaging a community in shaping its future.